15Apr08:3016:00Workshop Space Education 2.0Discover the Path from University to Norway’s Thriving Space Industry and Ignite Your Space Career


(Monday) 08:30 – 16:00(GMT+03:00) View in my time

Event Details

The space industry in Norway is experiencing rapid growth, and it requires individuals with diverse professional backgrounds. We cordially invite you to participate in a workshop that delves into the transition from university studies to a future career within the space sector.

In Norway, several student organizations and other initiatives enhance the offerings from universities by providing experiences that closely mirror the professional environment. Some of these even evolve into promising startups, which swiftly establish themselves as significant players in the national space sector.

During our panel debate, we will feature representatives from these various institutions. They will share their insights on how to forge a successful future in the space industry. Importantly, you don’t necessarily need an extensive space-related background to thrive in this field. By participating, you’ll have the opportunity to connect with space professionals and fellow students, potentially kickstarting your future network. This workshop is part of the Space Education 2.0 project, organized by organized by Andøya Space Education in collaboration with NTNU, the University of Oslo, and UiT the Arctic University of Norway. It is open to students currently enrolled at Norwegian universities. All workshop applications will undergo review by a selection committee before approval